Is Lowes Highering Process Centralized or Decentralized

By Mike Simpson

For avid DIYers and home maintenance aficionados, a trip to Lowe's is more than a shopping trip; it's a chance to immerse themselves in the sawdust-covered world they revere. Walking through the door practically spiritual, as the wealth of home improvement possibilities washes over them.

Anyone who feels like that about home improvement would jump at the chance to work at a mecca like Lowe's. And because of their home improvement knowledge they may feel particularly well-equipped to handle a Lowe's interview. But that doesn't mean they should assume it'll be a cakewalk.

the fact is, all interviews come with challenges. How do you overcome them? With a great plan, of course!

Would you try to build a shed without plans? Didn't think so. With the right strategy, your chances of success go up dramatically. Let's take a look at what it takes to nail any Lowe's interview question and ultimately snag the job.

How to Answer Lowe's Interview Questions

Before we hop into some example Lowe's interview questions and answers, let's pause for a moment. If you want to shine when you meet with the hiring manager, you can't rely on examples alone. Instead, you need to carefully craft your interview blueprint.

In the simplest terms, your interview plan needs to showcase you as an exceptional candidate. But how do you do that for a Lowe's interview?

Well, your first step is to learn about what Lowe's wants. The company's mission statement is a great indication of the organization's priorities.

For Lowe's, the mission statement is:

"Together, deliver the right home improvement products, with the best service and value, across every channel and community we serve."

That means the company places a lot of importance on customer service, product quality, and value.

Another place for clues about what hiring managers need to find is the job description. If they list a skill or trait several times in that handful of paragraphs of the job description, you can bet those are important to have as a candidate.

Make sense?

Put the mission statement and job description together, and what you get is a guide. Discuss how you shine in those areas, and you'll increase the odds of catching the hiring manager's eye.

But, if you're asked behavioral interview questions, you don't want to stop there. Creating a stellar response means doing more than asserting you have what it takes. You need to show the hiring manager, not tell them. How do you do that? With the STAR method and our Tailoring Method, of course. Those approaches, which we've discussed in detail before, ensure that your answer is relevant and compelling. If you want to really pique a hiring manager's interest, it's an exceptional strategy for making that happen.

We also wanted to let you know that we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview. After all, hiring managers will often ask you more generalized interview questions along with their Lowe's specific questions!

Click below to get your free PDF now:

Get Our Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet!

FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our "Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet" that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


Top 3 Lowe's Interview Questions

Now you have a solid understanding of how to approach interview questions. That means it's time to take it a step further; it's time for some examples that can show you how to put those strategies to work.

Here are the top three Lowe's interview questions and answers.

1. If a customer has a question about a DIY project and you didn't know how to answer it, how would you proceed?

"Do it right for less." That's the slogan Lowe's took on it 2019. When it comes to a customer value proposition, that tagline showcases the company's stance concisely.

The trick is, to "do it right," some customers need help. Lowe's employees get asked for guidance all of the time. If you get hired, you can expect the occasional question to get hurled in your direction, too. Hiring managers want to know that, when that moment comes, you can handle it even if you don't know the answer.


"If a customer asked me for guidance, and I was unsure about how they should proceed, the first thing I would do is make sure I understood their request. I would summarize what they shared and would ask clarifying questions to ensure I fully understood. At that point, I would turn to various resources to find an answer. This could include an employee knowledge base, details off of the Lowe's website, or coworkers who specialize in projects of that nature. My goal would be to stay with the customer, navigating through, and tapping additional resources until a suitable answer is found."

2. When you have to do repetitive tasks, what do you do to stay motivated?

Let's face facts; no job is exciting all of the time. On occasion, you're going to have to do some mundane work, and it won't be the most engaging experience.

This is one of those Lowe's interview questions that's designed to learn more about your personality. The hiring manager wants to find out how self-motivated you are, as that is critical for the company's success.


"When I am assigned a task that is repetitive in nature, I keep myself motivated by focusing on the importance of the activity. While it may not be the most exciting, that doesn't make it any less critical to operations. By doing my best, I'm ensuring that I excel in the role and that my employer can thrive. Ultimately, it's my passion for excellence that keeps me moving forward, regardless of the nature of the task."

3. If a manager told you to do something that was unsafe, what would you do?

Safety is a major concern for most employers. Work injuries cost companies approximately $170.8 billion a year. Holy cow, right?

Knowing that, is it any surprise that hiring managers want to choose candidates that are safety-minded? Not really. That's why they ask questions like this, to ensure they can select new hires that aware of safety issues and how to avoid potential problems.


"If a manager asked me to do something unsafe, my first step would be to ensure I understood what was actually being requested. There's a chance I misinterpreted the situation, so I would summarize what I was told and ask clarifying questions as needed. If it was clear that the task or approach was unsafe, I would voice my concern calmly and professionally. I would concentrate on using neutral language and would rely on facts. If applicable, I would also bring up relevant company policies that discuss such actions. Then, I would attempt to present an alternative that ensured the task could be completed in a safe manner. My goal would be to be cooperative and collaborative so that a solution could be identified. If that did not yield results, and the manager insisted I act in an unsafe manner, I would reach out to a higher-up or safety manager for guidance."

29 More Lowe's Interview Questions

Here are 29 more Lowe's interview questions candidates often face:

      1. Why do you want to work at Lowe's?
      2. What can you tell me about Lowe's? Are you familiar with the company?
      3. If a customer needs a part but doesn't know what it's called, how do you figure out what they are trying to find?
      4. What is your definition of great customer service?
      5. How would you deal with an angry customer?
      6. Tell me about your DIY and home maintenance experience.
      7. Can you describe how familiar you are with cash registers (point of sale systems)?
      8. Tell me about your cash handling experience.
      9. Have you ever had to fix a mistake made by a coworker? If so, how did you handle it?
      10. Are you comfortable promoting the Lowe's credit card?
      11. Tell me about a time when you were working as part of a team, and there was a disagreement. What did you do to resolve the issue?
      12. If you were given a high-priority task by a manager and, before you finished, a customer came up and asked for your help, what would you do?
      13. What would you do if a customer wanted your opinion on two different paint colors?
      14. Are you available to work nights, weekends, and holidays?
      15. Tell me about a time when you displayed leadership on the job.
      16. If you saw a coworker steal an item work less than $1, what would you do?
      17. Have you ever gone above and beyond for a customer? If so, what did you do?
      18. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your manager. What was the outcome of the situation?
      19. Which of your traits do you think will help you excel in this job, and why?
      20. How do you respond to constructive criticism?
      21. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an uncomfortable situation at work. How did you handle it?
      22. If a customer gave you negative feedback about a coworker, what would you do?
      23. Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond for your employer, manager, or coworker?
      24. Give me an example of a moment when you completely changed your approach based on the customer's attitude or demeanor.
      25. Tell me about a time you got angry on the job. What did you do to ensure it didn't impact your work?
      26. What is your biggest customer service mistake? What did you do to fix it or to prevent it from happening again?
      27. Give me an example of when you had to rely on your attention-to-detail to complete a task successfully.
      28. When you face an obstacle at work, what do you do to ensure you can overcome it?
      29. Are you familiar with common tools, construction materials, and equipment?

5 Good Questions to Ask at the End of a Lowe's Interview

Once the hiring manager asks their last question, you might think that you can relax your guard. After all, you aren't on the spot anymore, right? Well, not really.

Even if the hiring manager doesn't have any more questions about your experience, they'll usually ask you one additional thing, "Do you have any questions for me?" While this might seem innocent enough, sometimes it isn't.

Asking intelligent questions at the end of your Lowe's interview is crucial. It lets you demonstrate your interest, for one. For another, it's a chance to see if the job is a great fit for you, and that's important.

If you aren't sure what to ask, here are five questions to have at the ready:

      1. What is Lowe's biggest challenge today? What can a person in this role do to help overcome it?
      2. Can you describe what a typical day in this job is like?
      3. Are there any barriers to success that new hires in this position face? What tips can you provide to help me overcome or avoid them?
      4. What about your top performers stands out in your mind?
      5. Why do you like most and least about working at Lowe's?

MIKE'S TIP: So, once you ask your questions, then you can relax, right? Wrong! Technically, your interview isn't over. Actually, you shouldn't consider your interview over until you leave the property. And, by that, we mean getting in your vehicle and driving away. You never know who you might meet as you exit. Any passerby could be a person with decision-making authority or who has the hiring manager's ear. Don't miss out on a job by making a mistake as you're leaving. Focus on being your best self until you're gone.

Putting It All Together

Trust us… we get it; interviews are stressful. It isn't easy to sit across from a hiring manager and put it all out there. Even great candidates like you get nervous, and that's okay. Plus, you've got a secret weapon: all of the tips above.

So, dig in. Review all of those Lowe's interview questions. Embrace a strategy that ensures you put your best foot forward. While practice and preparation take effort, it's effort worth giving. You'll be able to show the hiring manager exactly why you're so amazing, and that makes it entirely worthwhile.

Good luck!

FREE: Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet!

Download our "Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet" that gives you word-for-word sample answers to some of the most common interview questions including:

  • What Is Your Greatest Weakness?
  • What Is Your Greatest Strength?
  • Tell Me About Yourself
  • Why Should We Hire You?
  • And more!

Click Here To Get The Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet

Check out our other articles in our Company Specific Interview Series:

      • Walmart Interview Questions
      • Amazon Interview Questions
      • Costco Interview Questions
      • Target Interview Questions
      • Home Depot Interview Questions
      • Salesforce Interview Questions
      • Starbucks Interview Questions
      • Google Interview Questions

Is Lowes Highering Process Centralized or Decentralized


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