Matplotlib Plot and Continue Computing Then Plot Again

Usage Guide¶

This tutorial covers some basic usage patterns and all-time-practices to assist you become started with Matplotlib.

                        import            matplotlib.pyplot            as            plt            import            numpy            as            np          

A simple example¶

Matplotlib graphs your data on Figure s (i.e., windows, Jupyter widgets, etc.), each of which can contain one or more Axes (i.e., an surface area where points can be specified in terms of x-y coordinates, or theta-r in a polar plot, or x-y-z in a 3D plot, etc.). The simplest manner of creating a figure with an axes is using pyplot.subplots . We can so apply Axes.plot to draw some data on the axes:

                            fig              ,              ax              =              plt              .              subplots              ()              # Create a figure containing a single axes.              ax              .              plot              ([              1              ,              two              ,              3              ,              4              ],              [              ane              ,              4              ,              2              ,              iii              ])              # Plot some data on the axes.            



              [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7f57e5661610>]            

Many other plotting libraries or languages practice not require y'all to explicitly create an axes. For example, in MATLAB, one can just practice

                            plot              ([              1              ,              2              ,              3              ,              4              ],              [              1              ,              4              ,              2              ,              3              ])              % MATLAB plot.            

and get the desired graph.

In fact, you can do the same in Matplotlib: for each Axes graphing method, there is a corresponding role in the matplotlib.pyplot module that performs that plot on the "current" axes, creating that axes (and its parent effigy) if they don't exist yet. And then, the previous example can be written more shortly as

                            plt              .              plot              ([              i              ,              2              ,              iii              ,              4              ],              [              1              ,              four              ,              ii              ,              3              ])              # Matplotlib plot.            



              [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7f57e5782e80>]            

Parts of a Effigy¶

At present, let'south take a deeper look at the components of a Matplotlib figure.



The whole figure. The effigy keeps track of all the child Axes , a smattering of 'special' artists (titles, figure legends, etc), and the sail. (Don't worry as well much virtually the canvas, it is crucial as it is the object that actually does the cartoon to get you your plot, just as the user it is more than-or-less invisible to you). A figure tin contain any number of Axes , but will typically accept at least one.

The easiest way to create a new figure is with pyplot:

                                fig                =                plt                .                figure                ()                # an empty figure with no Axes                fig                ,                ax                =                plt                .                subplots                ()                # a figure with a single Axes                fig                ,                axs                =                plt                .                subplots                (                2                ,                2                )                # a figure with a 2x2 grid of Axes              

Information technology'southward user-friendly to create the axes together with the figure, only you tin can also add axes afterward on, allowing for more complex axes layouts.


This is what you call back of as 'a plot', information technology is the region of the image with the information infinite. A given figure can incorporate many Axes, but a given Axes object can only be in one Figure . The Axes contains 2 (or three in the case of 3D) Axis objects (be aware of the departure between Axes and Axis) which take care of the data limits (the data limits can also be controlled via the axes.Axes.set_xlim() and axes.Axes.set_ylim() methods). Each Axes has a title (set via set_title() ), an x-label (ready via set_xlabel() ), and a y-label set via set_ylabel() ).

The Axes grade and its member functions are the primary entry point to working with the OO interface.


These are the number-line-similar objects. They take care of setting the graph limits and generating the ticks (the marks on the axis) and ticklabels (strings labeling the ticks). The location of the ticks is determined by a Locator object and the ticklabel strings are formatted by a Formatter . The combination of the correct Locator and Formatter gives very fine control over the tick locations and labels.


Basically, everything you can see on the figure is an artist (even the Figure , Axes , and Axis objects). This includes Text objects, Line2D objects, collections objects, Patch objects ... (you get the idea). When the figure is rendered, all of the artists are drawn to the sheet. Most Artists are tied to an Axes; such an Artist cannot exist shared by multiple Axes, or moved from one to another.

Types of inputs to plotting functions¶

All of plotting functions expect numpy.array or as input. Classes that are 'array-like' such as pandas information objects and numpy.matrix may or may non work as intended. It is best to convert these to numpy.array objects prior to plotting.

For example, to convert a pandas.DataFrame

                            a              =              pandas              .              DataFrame              (              np              .              random              .              rand              (              4              ,              5              ),              columns              =              list              (              'abcde'              ))              a_asarray              =              a              .              values            

and to catechumen a numpy.matrix

                            b              =              np              .              matrix              ([[              i              ,              two              ],              [              three              ,              4              ]])              b_asarray              =              np              .              asarray              (              b              )            

The object-oriented interface and the pyplot interface¶

As noted in a higher place, there are essentially ii ways to utilize Matplotlib:

  • Explicitly create figures and axes, and call methods on them (the "object-oriented (OO) style").
  • Rely on pyplot to automatically create and manage the figures and axes, and employ pyplot functions for plotting.

So i tin can do (OO-style)

                            10              =              np              .              linspace              (              0              ,              2              ,              100              )              # Note that even in the OO-manner, we use `.pyplot.figure` to create the figure.              fig              ,              ax              =              plt              .              subplots              ()              # Create a figure and an axes.              ax              .              plot              (              x              ,              x              ,              label              =              'linear'              )              # Plot some information on the axes.              ax              .              plot              (              x              ,              x              **              two              ,              characterization              =              'quadratic'              )              # Plot more data on the axes...              ax              .              plot              (              x              ,              x              **              3              ,              label              =              'cubic'              )              # ... and some more.              ax              .              set_xlabel              (              'x label'              )              # Add an x-characterization to the axes.              ax              .              set_ylabel              (              'y label'              )              # Add a y-label to the axes.              ax              .              set_title              (              "Uncomplicated Plot"              )              # Add a championship to the axes.              ax              .              legend              ()              # Add a legend.            

Simple Plot


              <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f57e54e4580>            

or (pyplot-manner)

Simple Plot


              <matplotlib.fable.Legend object at 0x7f57e56704c0>            

In addition, there is a third approach, for the instance when embedding Matplotlib in a GUI application, which completely drops pyplot, even for figure creation. We won't discuss information technology here; see the corresponding section in the gallery for more info (Embedding Matplotlib in graphical user interfaces).

Matplotlib's documentation and examples employ both the OO and the pyplot approaches (which are equally powerful), and yous should experience free to use either (however, it is preferable pick one of them and stick to information technology, instead of mixing them). In general, we propose to restrict pyplot to interactive plotting (e.g., in a Jupyter notebook), and to prefer the OO-way for non-interactive plotting (in functions and scripts that are intended to be reused every bit part of a larger project).


In older examples, you lot may find examples that instead used the and so-called pylab interface, via from pylab import * . This star-import imports everything both from pyplot and from numpy , and so that one could do

                                x                =                linspace                (                0                ,                two                ,                100                )                plot                (                x                ,                ten                ,                label                =                'linear'                )                ...              

for an fifty-fifty more MATLAB-like style. This approach is strongly discouraged present and deprecated. It is only mentioned here because y'all may still encounter it in the wild.

Typically 1 finds oneself making the same plots over and once more, but with dissimilar data sets, which leads to needing to write specialized functions to exercise the plotting. The recommended function signature is something like:

                            def              my_plotter              (              ax              ,              data1              ,              data2              ,              param_dict              ):              """                              A helper office to brand a graph                              Parameters                              ----------                              ax : Axes                              The axes to draw to                              data1 : array                              The x data                              data2 : array                              The y data                              param_dict : dict                              Dictionary of kwargs to pass to ax.plot                              Returns                              -------                              out : list                              list of artists added                              """              out              =              ax              .              plot              (              data1              ,              data2              ,              **              param_dict              )              return              out            

which yous would then utilize equally:



              [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7f57e5466640>]            

or if yous wanted to take 2 sub-plots:



              [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7f57e5428310>]            

For these unproblematic examples this mode seems similar overkill, however once the graphs get slightly more than complex information technology pays off.


What is a backend?¶

A lot of documentation on the website and in the mailing lists refers to the "backend" and many new users are confused by this term. Matplotlib targets many different utilise cases and output formats. Some people apply Matplotlib interactively from the python shell and have plotting windows pop upward when they type commands. Some people run Jupyter notebooks and depict inline plots for quick information assay. Others embed Matplotlib into graphical user interfaces like PyQt or PyGObject to build rich applications. Some people utilize Matplotlib in batch scripts to generate postscript images from numerical simulations, and still others run spider web application servers to dynamically serve upwards graphs.

To support all of these utilize cases, Matplotlib can target dissimilar outputs, and each of these capabilities is called a backend; the "frontend" is the user facing lawmaking, i.e., the plotting lawmaking, whereas the "backend" does all the hard work behind-the-scenes to brand the figure. There are two types of backends: user interface backends (for use in PyQt/PySide, PyGObject, Tkinter, wxPython, or macOS/Cocoa); besides referred to equally "interactive backends") and hardcopy backends to make prototype files (PNG, SVG, PDF, PS; also referred to as "non-interactive backends").

Selecting a backend¶

There are three means to configure your backend:

  1. The rcParams["backend"] (default: 'agg' ) parameter in your matplotlibrc file
  2. The MPLBACKEND environment variable
  3. The part matplotlib.use()

A more detailed description is given below.

If multiple of these are configurations are nowadays, the last one from the list takes precedence; due east.g. calling matplotlib.employ() will override the setting in your matplotlibrc .

If no backend is explicitly gear up, Matplotlib automatically detects a usable backend based on what is available on your system and on whether a GUI event loop is already running. On Linux, if the surroundings variable Display is unset, the "effect loop" is identified equally "headless", which causes a fallback to a noninteractive backend (agg).

Hither is a detailed description of the configuration methods:

  1. Setting rcParams["backend"] (default: 'agg' ) in your matplotlibrc file:

                                            backend                    :                    qt5agg                    # use pyqt5 with antigrain (agg) rendering                  

    See also Customizing Matplotlib with style sheets and rcParams.

  2. Setting the MPLBACKEND environment variable:

    You tin set up the environment variable either for your current shell or for a single script.

    On Unix:

                                            >                    export                    MPLBACKEND                    =                    qt5agg                    >                    python                    simple_plot                    .                    py                    >                    MPLBACKEND                    =                    qt5agg                    python                    simple_plot                    .                    py                  

    On Windows, merely the erstwhile is possible:

                                            >                    set                    MPLBACKEND                    =                    qt5agg                    >                    python                    simple_plot                    .                    py                  

    Setting this surroundings variable will override the backend parameter in whatsoever matplotlibrc , even if there is a matplotlibrc in your current working directory. Therefore, setting MPLBACKEND globally, e.g. in your .bashrc or .profile , is discouraged as it might lead to counter-intuitive behavior.

  3. If your script depends on a specific backend you can utilise the function matplotlib.use() :

    This should be done before any figure is created, otherwise Matplotlib may neglect to switch the backend and enhance an ImportError.

    Using employ will require changes in your code if users want to use a different backend. Therefore, you should avert explicitly calling apply unless absolutely necessary.

The builtin backends¶

By default, Matplotlib should automatically select a default backend which allows both interactive work and plotting from scripts, with output to the screen and/or to a file, so at least initially, yous volition non need to worry about the backend. The most mutual exception is if your Python distribution comes without tkinter and you have no other GUI toolkit installed. This happens on certain Linux distributions, where you need to install a Linux package named python-tk (or similar).

If, nonetheless, you desire to write graphical user interfaces, or a web awarding server (Embedding in a web application server (Flask)), or demand a ameliorate agreement of what is going on, read on. To make things a piddling more customizable for graphical user interfaces, Matplotlib separates the concept of the renderer (the affair that really does the drawing) from the canvas (the place where the cartoon goes). The canonical renderer for user interfaces is Agg which uses the Anti-Grain Geometry C++ library to make a raster (pixel) image of the effigy; it is used by the Qt5Agg , Qt4Agg , GTK3Agg , wxAgg , TkAgg , and macosx backends. An alternative renderer is based on the Cairo library, used by Qt5Cairo , Qt4Cairo , etc.

For the rendering engines, i tin also distinguish between vector or raster renderers. Vector graphics languages issue drawing commands similar "draw a line from this point to this point" and hence are calibration gratuitous, and raster backends generate a pixel representation of the line whose accurateness depends on a DPI setting.

Hither is a summary of the Matplotlib renderers (there is an eponymous backend for each; these are non-interactive backends, capable of writing to a file):

Renderer Filetypes Description
AGG png raster graphics -- high quality images using the Anti-Grain Geometry engine
PDF pdf vector graphics -- Portable Document Format
PS ps, eps vector graphics -- Postscript output
SVG svg vector graphics -- Scalable Vector Graphics
PGF pgf, pdf vector graphics -- using the pgf package
Cairo png, ps, pdf, svg raster or vector graphics -- using the Cairo library

To relieve plots using the non-interactive backends, utilise the matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('filename') method.

And hither are the user interfaces and renderer combinations supported; these are interactive backends, capable of displaying to the screen and of using appropriate renderers from the table above to write to a file:

Backend Description
Qt5Agg Agg rendering in a Qt5 canvas (requires PyQt5). This backend can exist activated in IPython with %matplotlib qt5 .
ipympl Agg rendering embedded in a Jupyter widget. (requires ipympl). This backend tin can be enabled in a Jupyter notebook with %matplotlib ipympl .
GTK3Agg Agg rendering to a GTK three.x canvas (requires PyGObject, and pycairo or cairocffi). This backend can be activated in IPython with %matplotlib gtk3 .
macosx Agg rendering into a Cocoa sheet in OSX. This backend tin can be activated in IPython with %matplotlib osx .
TkAgg Agg rendering to a Tk canvas (requires TkInter). This backend can be activated in IPython with %matplotlib tk .
nbAgg Embed an interactive figure in a Jupyter classic notebook. This backend tin be enabled in Jupyter notebooks via %matplotlib notebook .
WebAgg On evidence() will start a tornado server with an interactive effigy.
GTK3Cairo Cairo rendering to a GTK 3.x canvas (requires PyGObject, and pycairo or cairocffi).
Qt4Agg Agg rendering to a Qt4 canvas (requires PyQt4 or pyside ). This backend can be activated in IPython with %matplotlib qt4 .
wxAgg Agg rendering to a wxWidgets canvas (requires wxPython 4). This backend tin exist activated in IPython with %matplotlib wx .


The names of builtin backends case-insensitive; due east.k., 'Qt5Agg' and 'qt5agg' are equivalent.


The Jupyter widget ecosystem is moving too fast to support directly in Matplotlib. To install ipympl

                  pip install ipympl jupyter nbextension                  enable                  --py --sys-prefix ipympl                


                  conda install ipympl -c conda-forge                

Run across jupyter-matplotlib for more details.

How do I select PyQt4 or PySide?¶

The QT_API environment variable tin be ready to either pyqt or pyside to use PyQt4 or PySide , respectively.

Since the default value for the bindings to be used is PyQt4 , Matplotlib offset tries to import information technology. If the import fails, information technology tries to import PySide .

Using not-builtin backends¶

More generally, any importable backend tin can be selected by using any of the methods in a higher place. If name.of.the.backend is the module containing the backend, use module://proper noun.of.the.backend every bit the backend name, e.g. matplotlib.utilize('module://name.of.the.backend') .

What is interactive mode?¶

Use of an interactive backend (meet What is a backend?) permits--but does non past itself crave or ensure--plotting to the screen. Whether and when plotting to the screen occurs, and whether a script or shell session continues afterwards a plot is fatigued on the screen, depends on the functions and methods that are chosen, and on a state variable that determines whether Matplotlib is in "interactive mode". The default Boolean value is set by the matplotlibrc file, and may be customized similar any other configuration parameter (see Customizing Matplotlib with style sheets and rcParams). It may also be set up via matplotlib.interactive() , and its value may be queried via matplotlib.is_interactive() . Turning interactive fashion on and off in the middle of a stream of plotting commands, whether in a script or in a shell, is rarely needed and potentially confusing. In the following, we volition assume all plotting is washed with interactive mode either on or off.


Major changes related to interactivity, and in particular the part and beliefs of evidence() , were made in the transition to Matplotlib version i.0, and bugs were stock-still in ane.0.ane. Here we depict the version 1.0.i beliefs for the primary interactive backends, with the partial exception of macosx.

Interactive manner may also be turned on via matplotlib.pyplot.ion() , and turned off via matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() .


Interactive mode works with suitable backends in ipython and in the ordinary python shell, merely it does not work in the IDLE IDE. If the default backend does not back up interactivity, an interactive backend can be explicitly activated using any of the methods discussed in What is a backend?.

Interactive example¶

From an ordinary python prompt, or later on invoking ipython with no options, try this:

                                import                matplotlib.pyplot                as                plt                plt                .                ion                ()                plt                .                plot                ([                1.6                ,                2.7                ])              

This volition popular upwardly a plot window. Your terminal prompt will remain active, then that you can type additional commands such as:

On nigh interactive backends, the figure window will also be updated if you change information technology via the object-oriented interface. E.thousand. become a reference to the Axes instance, and phone call a method of that instance:

If you are using certain backends (like macosx ), or an older version of Matplotlib, you lot may not come across the new line added to the plot immediately. In this case, y'all need to explicitly call describe() in society to update the plot:

Non-interactive example¶

Start a fresh session as in the previous example, but at present turn interactive way off:

                                import                matplotlib.pyplot                as                plt                plt                .                ioff                ()                plt                .                plot                ([                ane.six                ,                      ])              

Nothing happened--or at least zilch has shown up on the screen (unless you are using macosx backend, which is dissonant). To make the plot appear, you need to do this:

Now you run into the plot, only your final command line is unresponsive; blocks the input of additional commands until you manually kill the plot window.

What adept is this--being forced to utilise a blocking function? Suppose you need a script that plots the contents of a file to the screen. You want to look at that plot, and then end the script. Without some blocking control such equally evidence() , the script would flash up the plot and and so end immediately, leaving nothing on the screen.

In improver, non-interactive mode delays all cartoon until show() is called; this is more efficient than redrawing the plot each fourth dimension a line in the script adds a new characteristic.

Prior to version 1.0, show() generally could not exist called more in one case in a single script (although sometimes ane could get away with it); for version 1.0.1 and in a higher place, this brake is lifted, and then one can write a script like this:

                                import                numpy                as                np                import                matplotlib.pyplot                as                plt                plt                .                ioff                ()                for                i                in                range                (                iii                ):                plt                .                plot                (                np                .                random                .                rand                (                ten                ))                plt                .                show                ()              

This makes three plots, one at a time. I.eastward., the second plot will show upwards in one case the beginning plot is closed.


In interactive mode, pyplot functions automatically draw to the screen.

When plotting interactively, if using object method calls in add-on to pyplot functions, then phone call draw() whenever yous want to refresh the plot.

Apply not-interactive style in scripts in which you want to generate i or more than figures and display them before ending or generating a new set of figures. In that case, use show() to brandish the figure(s) and to cake execution until you lot have manually destroyed them.


Whether exploring information in interactive way or programmatically saving lots of plots, rendering operation can be a painful bottleneck in your pipeline. Matplotlib provides a couple means to greatly reduce rendering time at the toll of a slight change (to a settable tolerance) in your plot'south appearance. The methods available to reduce rendering time depend on the type of plot that is being created.

Line segment simplification¶

For plots that have line segments (e.g. typical line plots, outlines of polygons, etc.), rendering operation can be controlled by rcParams["path.simplify"] (default: True ) and rcParams["path.simplify_threshold"] (default: 0.111111111111 ), which tin be defined e.g. in the matplotlibrc file (see Customizing Matplotlib with style sheets and rcParams for more information nigh the matplotlibrc file). rcParams["path.simplify"] (default: True ) is a boolean indicating whether or not line segments are simplified at all. rcParams["path.simplify_threshold"] (default: 0.111111111111 ) controls how much line segments are simplified; higher thresholds result in quicker rendering.

The following script will beginning display the data without whatever simplification, and then display the same data with simplification. Endeavour interacting with both of them:

                                import                numpy                every bit                np                import                matplotlib.pyplot                every bit                plt                import                matplotlib                as                mpl                # Setup, and create the data to plot                y                =                np                .                random                .                rand                (                100000                )                y                [                50000                :]                *=                ii                y                [                np                .                geomspace                (                10                ,                50000                ,                400                )                .                astype                (                int                )]                =                -                1                mpl                .                rcParams                [                'path.simplify'                ]                =                True                mpl                .                rcParams                [                'path.simplify_threshold'                ]                =                0.0                plt                .                plot                (                y                )                plt                .                bear witness                ()                mpl                .                rcParams                [                'path.simplify_threshold'                ]                =                1.0                plt                .                plot                (                y                )                plt                .                show                ()              

Matplotlib currently defaults to a conservative simplification threshold of i/9 . If you want to alter your default settings to use a different value, you tin alter your matplotlibrc file. Alternatively, you could create a new style for interactive plotting (with maximal simplification) and another style for publication quality plotting (with minimal simplification) and activate them as necessary. Come across Customizing Matplotlib with manner sheets and rcParams for instructions on how to perform these actions.

The simplification works past iteratively merging line segments into a unmarried vector until the next line segment'southward perpendicular altitude to the vector (measured in brandish-coordinate space) is greater than the path.simplify_threshold parameter.


Changes related to how line segments are simplified were fabricated in version 2.1. Rendering fourth dimension volition still exist improved by these parameters prior to 2.1, just rendering time for some kinds of data will exist vastly improved in versions 2.1 and greater.

Mark simplification¶

Markers can likewise be simplified, albeit less robustly than line segments. Marker simplification is only available to Line2D objects (through the markevery belongings). Wherever Line2D construction parameters are passed through, such as matplotlib.pyplot.plot() and matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot() , the markevery parameter can be used:

The markevery statement allows for naive subsampling, or an try at evenly spaced (along the x axis) sampling. Run across the Markevery Demo for more data.

Splitting lines into smaller chunks¶

If yous are using the Agg backend (see What is a backend?), then yous can make use of rcParams["agg.path.chunksize"] (default: 0 ) This allows you lot to specify a clamper size, and whatsoever lines with greater than that many vertices volition be split into multiple lines, each of which has no more than agg.path.chunksize many vertices. (Unless agg.path.chunksize is zero, in which case there is no chunking.) For some kind of data, chunking the line up into reasonable sizes can greatly decrease rendering fourth dimension.

The post-obit script will first brandish the data without whatever chunk size brake, and then brandish the same information with a chunk size of 10,000. The difference tin can best be seen when the figures are big, effort maximizing the GUI then interacting with them:

                                import                numpy                as                np                import                matplotlib.pyplot                as                plt                import                matplotlib                as                mpl                mpl                .                rcParams                [                'path.simplify_threshold'                ]                =                1.0                # Setup, and create the information to plot                y                =                np                .                random                .                rand                (                100000                )                y                [                50000                :]                *=                2                y                [                np                .                geomspace                (                x                ,                50000                ,                400                )                .                astype                (                int                )]                =                -                1                mpl                .                rcParams                [                'path.simplify'                ]                =                True                mpl                .                rcParams                [                'agg.path.chunksize'                ]                =                0                plt                .                plot                (                y                )                plt                .                show                ()                mpl                .                rcParams                [                'agg.path.chunksize'                ]                =                10000                plt                .                plot                (                y                )                plt                .                show                ()              

Using the fast style¶

The fast style can be used to automatically fix simplification and chunking parameters to reasonable settings to speed up plotting big amounts of data. It can be used but by running:

                                import                matplotlib.mode                equally                mplstyle                mplstyle                .                use                (                'fast'                )              

It is very lightweight, so information technology plays nicely with other styles, merely brand certain the fast style is applied concluding so that other styles practise not overwrite the settings:

                                mplstyle                .                use                ([                'dark_background'                ,                'ggplot'                ,                'fast'                ])              

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.178 seconds)

Keywords: matplotlib code example, codex, python plot, pyplot Gallery generated past Sphinx-Gallery


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